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Home Equity Loans and Lines

Partner with us for your home equity lending needs

Home Equity Loans and Lines

Get the right equity loan or line for your next project or adventure

Home Equity Loans

You have big plans and goals, so let's make them happen. Use a loan to unlock your home's potential for refinancing, upgrades, debt consolidation, college funds, that dream vacation, and more.

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Enjoy perks like:

  • No points or application fee
  • Fixed rate for the loan's duration
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Monthly billing statements
  • Loans in first or second-lien position
  • Local decision-making and processing
  • Personalized, attentive service throughout.

Home Equity Lines of Credit

If you need funds to cover life's big expenses, consider a Home Equity Line—a great choice to be prepared for unexpected expenses. Our knowledgeable consumer lending team can help you with two Home Equity Line Options:

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Two Home Equity Line Options:

  • Prime Access Reserve Home Equity Line of Credit (PAR HELOC)
  • Hybrid Access Reserve Home Equity Line of Credit (HAR HELOC).

Personal Lending

Finding the perfect loan requires someone who cares and specializes, qualities you'll find with us. Check out our lending options and meet our team.

Personal Lending

What’s your equity?

See how much equity you have. Check out First Bank’s home equity line of credit calculator.

What’s your equity?

Save for your future

Explore the savings options at First Bank to reach your financial goals. Start saving today to kickstart your journey towards making your dreams a reality.

Save for your future

Personal checking is waiting for you

Count on us as your go-to for personal banking needs! Explore our range of personal checking accounts to find the perfect fit for you.

Personal checking is waiting for you
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